Manikganj is a District of Dhaka Division. Its Postal code is 1800. If you are from the Manikganj District or looking for the postcode of Manikganj then this post is for you. Manikganj Postal code and Post Office Location are the following. Here we are sharing the Postal code of the Singair, Shibloya, Saturia, Lechhraganj, Gheor, Doulatopur, and Manikganj Areas. Let’s know their postal codes.
Most used postal codes of Manikganj District:
- Manikganj – 1800
- Doulatpur – 1860
- Gheor – 1840
- Lechhraganj – 1830
- Saturia – 1810
- Shibloya – 1850
- Singair – 1820
You can see the postcode of all divisions, districts, upazilas, and any area of Bangladesh from the Bangladesh Postal Code List. Let’s see the postcode and post office address of all areas of Manikganj District from the table below.
Manikganj Postal Code
Manikganj Postcode List:
Area | Post Office | Postal Code |
Doulatpur | Doulatpur | 1860 |
Gheor | Gheor | 1840 |
Lechhraganj | Jhitka | 1831 |
Lechhraganj | Lechhraganj | 1830 |
Manikganj Sadar | Barangail | 1804 |
Manikganj Sadar | Gorpara | 1802 |
Manikganj Sadar | Mahadebpur | 1803 |
Manikganj Sadar | Manikganj Bazar | 1801 |
Manikganj Sadar | Manikganj Sadar | 1800 |
Saturia | Baliati | 1811 |
Saturia | Saturia | 1810 |
Shibloya | Aricha | 1851 |
Shibloya | Shibaloy | 1850 |
Shibloya | Tewta | 1852 |
Shibloya | Uthli | 1853 |
Singair | Baira | 1821 |
Singair | joymantop | 1822 |
Singair | Singair | 1820 |
About Manikganj
Manikganj is a District of Dhaka Division in Bangladesh. It’s bounded by Sirajganj and Tangail districts in the north. Faridpur, Rajbari, and Dhaka districts in the south. Pabna and Rajbari districts in the west. Former capital Dhaka district. Manikganj District has a total area of 1378.99 square kilometers.
General information of Manikganj District | |
Area Name | Manikganj |
Postcode | 1800 |
Division | Dhaka |
Country | Bangladesh |