Thanchi is an Upazila of Bandarban District. Thanchi is located in the Bandarban District of the Chittagong Division in Bangladesh. Its postal code is 4630.
Let’s see the postcode of the most common and popular area in Thanchi.
Postcodes of popular places in the Thanchi Upazila:
- Thanchi Postcode: 4630
- Lama Postcode: 4641
You can see the postcode of all divisions, districts, upazilas, and any region of Bangladesh from the Bangladesh Postal Code. From the table below, let’s know the postcode and post office address of all areas in Thanchi Upazila.
Thanchi Postal Code
All Postal Code of Thanchi Upazila:
Upazila | Post Office | Postal Code |
Thanchi | Thanchi | 4630 |
Thanchi | Lama | 4641 |
General Information of Thanchi Upazila:
- Area Name: Thanchi
- Postal Code: 4630
- District: Bandarban
- Division: Chittagong
- Country: Bangladesh